Thursday, April 7, 2016


Hello, my name's Becca and I'm going to try this blogging thing. I've got a lot of random information about learning resources and I would love to share it, so I figure I'll blog about it and maybe my information will help someone out there in the world.

Please forgive the messy look, I will work on that as I go along. I've never really experimented with blogs, and the only reason I'm trying now is due to learning the Bullet Journal system and searching for information on it from blogs.

So, what is this blog? To be honest, I'm not sure yet. I plan to write a post about each of the different websites I frequent and things that have been useful to me, and I hope it'll be useful to someone. I also want to use it as an accountability tracker since I haven't been very disciplined in the past. I'd love to someday build a community of people learning together. If you're reading this, I encourage you to go on an adventure and learn with me. Until then, I'll just pretend that someone's reading this.

I want to build a better life, even though I have no idea how, so I'll just take one step at a time and see where life takes me. I hope to build this blog into a great learning resource for others.

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